Posted by : DA4288KM
Friday, November 18, 2011
i've got a date with this little man this AM....we're both still under the weather. i might have a case of laryngitis. i'd love to curl up and watch a movie....walker agreed. 

he always picks good night's the one movie i'm okay w/ him watching. it last 10 minutes and he will sit the entire time and watch it. i use this to my advantage....
i need helps the throat. i wish i had a doctor here. i probably need an antibiotic by now. i've lived here for a year but i still don't have a doc. and it never works to call when you get sick b/c they always say they aren't accepting new patients.
i feel like this picture i found at a thrift store yrs ago....i call him achoo....b/c he looks like he is about to sneeze.
i really need to clean my house. i have company coming tomorrow AM. i don't have it in me.
instead i work....walker thinks he should help....95% of the time when walker's not at school, this is how i work.
9:30 and it's time for walker to take a nap (secretly i might be doing the happy dance)....
b/c now i can curl up on the sofa w/ a blanket and read my new magazines....finger's crossed his nap last long.....
if you want something to read, lauren at the cottage mix asked me to answer some questions about how the designer's attic got started....
i hope y'all have a wonderful weekend. xoxo.